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Cobb County Student Athlete
Athletic Registration Process

The Georgia High School Association (GHSA) requires that all athletes must have a current physical examination on file with their schools in order to compete.


Please see the following instructions to complete an Athletic Registration Application for your student athlete.



Select the Student you wish to register


Click “Athletic Registration” in the left-hand menu and click again on “Athletic Registration (Grades 8-12 only)”


In the top right-hand corner, select “Student Registration”


Select the Student you wish to register


Select “Start New Registration” and/or “Edit”

Note: You can come back to finish the registration. Click “Edit” (pencil icon) to complete an in-progress registration.


Work your way through the Tabs

In Tab #2 / Consent, please carefully review the “Student/Parent Athletic Handbook” including “Policy IDF-R / Athletic Code of Conduct” and “Parents and Sportsmanship” (last page of Handbook)

In Tab #4 / Medical, A blank physical form, required for the exam, will be available to print after completing the Health and Supplemental History Forms and after e-signing the Medical Tab.

The forms must be hand signed and stamped with the doctor’s office name/address by an M.D., D.O., or by a Physician's Assistant, or an Advanced Practice Nurse who has been delegated that task by an M.D., or D.O.

Tab #5 is where you will upload 4 individual documents:

A. Physical Examination Form

B. Medical Eligibility Form

C. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form

D. Concussion Awareness Form


Important: delete all unnecessary forms and make sure not to upload any duplicate forms


Upon completion, your submission will be reviewed.  Please allow a few weeks for this to be completed. (read: do not wait until the last minute!).


When your Athletic Registration is approved, you will receive an email from CCSD.​

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